Foreword iv
Preface v
Acknowledgements vi
Key findings and implications vii
Introduction 1
Insights into adolescent digital technology use 4
Continuous online contact with friends and others 4
Problematic SMU 6
SMU categories 7
Frequency of digital gaming 9
Categories of digital gaming 10
Cross-cutting themes 12
The role of age in adolescent SMU and digital gaming 12
Gender differences in adolescent SMU and digital gaming 12
Social inequalities in adolescent SMU 13
Cross-national/regional variations in adolescent SMU and digital gaming 13
Policy implications 14
Developmental appropriateness 14
Targeting 14
Inclusivity 15
Cultural sensitivity 15
Intersectoral action 15
Best practice 15
Monitoring 15
Conclusions 16
HBSC study 17
References 18
Annex. Key data 19