□ 결과적으로, 보육 시설의 접근성이 향상되면서 아이들이 더 일찍 보육 시설을 이용하게 되었고, 아버지들이 육아휴직을 사용할 가능성이 증가했지만, 이는 대부분 최소 기간 동안만 사용됨
□ 아버지의 지속적인 양육 참여나 고용 형태에는 큰 변화가 없었으며, 보육 정책은 주로 어머니의 노동시장 복귀를 지원하는 방향으로 작용함. 이는 공공 보육이 어머니의 돌봄 역할을 대체하는 데 주로 기여했으며, 아버지의 양육 책임 변화에는 한계가 있음을 시사함
Title page
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 4
2. Institutional Background 9
2.1. Publicly Subsidised Childcare 9
2.2. Parental Leave Regulations 11
3. Data 12
3.1. DJI Childcare Study (KiBS) 13
3.2. Regional Data 15
4. Empirical Approach 16
4.1. Main Estimation Strategy 16
4.2. Validation of Identifying Assumptions 17
5. Results 19
5.1. Effects on Children's Use of Childcare 19
5.2. Effects on Fathers' Involvement 21
5.3. Effects on Fathers' and Mothers' Employment 24
5.4. Heterogeneity Analysis 26
5.5. Robustness Checks 29
6. Conclusions 31
References 34
Appendix 41
Table 1. Effects of childcare expansion on childcare attendance 21
Table 2. Effects of an increase in childcare coverage on fathers' involvement 22
Table 3. Effects of childcare expansion on fathers' and mothers' employment (children aged 12-35 months) 26
Table 4. Heterogeneity: Effects of childcare expansion on fathers' involvement by parental education and children's sex (children aged 12-35 months) 27
Fig. 1. Fathers claiming parental leave benefits and childcare rates for childrenunder three over time 13
Fig. 2. Effects of childcare expansion for children under age three on childcare attendance 20
Fig. 3. Effects of childcare expansion for children under age three on mothers' role as main caregiver 23
Fig. 4. Effects of childcare expansion for children under age three on parental employment 24
Table A.1. Descriptive statistics: Outcome variables 41
Table A.2. Descriptive statistics: Control variables (Sample with parents of child 12-35 months) 42
Table A.3. Correlations of County Characteristics with Childcare Coverage Rates 43
Table A.4. Effects of childcare expansion on intensive margin of childcare attendance 44
Table A.5. Effects of an increase in childcare coverage on fathers' involvement (age 12-35 months) 44
Table A.6. Sensitivity checks: Effects on childcare attendance (age 12-35 months) for varying birth cohorts 45
Table A.7. Effects of childcare expansion on other care arrangements (age 12-35 months) 46
Table A.8. Heterogeneity: Effects of childcare expansion on fathers' involvement by parental education and children's sex (children aged 12-35 months) 47
Table A.9. Robustness checks for main outcomes (age 12-35 months)-Sample restrictions 48
Table A.10. Robustness checks for main outcomes-Model specifications 49
Fig. A.1. Paternity leave in Germany 50
Fig. A.2. Childcare rates for children under the age of three over time by county 51
Fig. A.3. Mother's role as main caregiver by fathers' parental leave length 52
Fig. A.4. Division of childcare in Germany over time 53
Fig. A.5. Share of mother is main caregiver and fathers' parental leave take-up over birthcohorts 2012-2019 53
Fig. A.6. Effects of childcare expansion for children under 18 months on parental leave take-up 54
Fig. A.7. Leads and Lags Specifications 55