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World Intellectual Property Indicators. 2024
(2024 세계 지식재산권 지표)

□ 2024년 세계 지식재산권 지표 보고서는 글로벌 혁신 활동이 높은 금리와 벤처 캐피털 감소에도 불구하고 지속적으로 성장하고 있음을 보여줌. 2023년 전 세계 특허 출원 건수는 3.55백만 건으로 2.7% 증가했으며, 중국, 한국, 미국, 일본, 인도가 주요 성장 동력으로 작용함. 반면, 상표 출원 건수는 11.6백만 건으로 감소하여 상표 시장의 성장 둔화 가능성이 제기됨

□ 특허 출원 증가의 핵심 요인은 아시아 지역의 두드러진 성장임. 2023년 아시아 지역의 특허 출원 비중은 68.7%로, 10년 전보다 10.3%포인트 증가함. 특히 중국의 특허 출원 비율은 47.2%로 가장 높았으며, 한국과 인도도 높은 성장세를 기록함. 컴퓨터 기술, 의료 기술, 디지털 커뮤니케이션 등의 분야에서 특허 출원이 급증하고 있으며, 신재생에너지 관련 특허 출원도 증가하는 추세를 보임

□ 특허를 가장 많이 출원하는 국가는 중국, 미국, 일본, 한국, 독일 순이며, 중국은 2023년 1.68백만 건의 특허를 출원하여 세계 시장에서 압도적인 점유율을 기록함. 특히 인도의 특허 출원은 15.7% 증가하여 5년 연속 두 자릿수 성장을 이어감. 또한, 한국은 GDP 대비 특허 출원 비율이 가장 높은 국가로, 혁신 기술에 대한 강한 연구개발 투자가 지속됨을 보여줌

□ 2023년 특허 등록 건수는 전년 대비 10.1% 증가하여 2백만 건을 초과했으며, 이는 2012년 이후 가장 빠른 성장률임. 인도는 특허 등록 건수가 전년 대비 149.4% 증가하며 가장 높은 성장률을 기록함. 반면, 일부 국가에서는 상표 및 디자인 출원이 감소하는 등 산업별로 차이가 나타남

□ 결론적으로, 지식재산권 출원 및 등록 활동은 여전히 성장세를 보이며, 특히 아시아 국가들의 비중이 증가하고 있음. 신재생에너지 및 첨단 기술 분야에서 특허 출원이 활발하게 이루어지고 있으며, 향후 혁신 생태계의 글로벌 변화가 예상됨


Title page


Foreword 5

Acknowledgments 7

Further information 7

Key numbers 8

Patents 9

Highlights 10

Patent statistics 24

Patent applications and grants worldwide 26

A1. Trend in patent applications worldwide, 2009-2023 26

A2. Resident and non-resident patent applications worldwide, 2009-2023 26

A3. Trend in patent grants worldwide, 2009-2023 27

A4. Resident and non-resident patent grants worldwide, 2009-2023 27

Patent applications and grants by office 27

A5. Patent applications by region, 2013 and 2023 27

A6. Trend in patent applications for the top five offices, 1883-2023 28

A7. Patent applications at the top 20 offices, 2023 28

A8. Contribution of resident and non-resident applications to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2022-2023 28

A9. Patent applications at offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 29

A10. Contribution of resident and non-resident applications to total growth for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2022-2023 29

A11. Patent grants by region, 2013 and 2023 29

A12. Trend in patent grants for the top five offices, 1883-2023 30

A13. Patent grants for the top 20 offices, 2023 30

A14. Contribution of resident and non-resident grants to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2022-2023 30

A15. Patent grants for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 31

A16. Contribution of resident and non-resident grants to total growth for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2022-2023 31

Patent applications and grants by origin 32

A17. Patent applications for the top 20 origins, 2023 32

A18. Patent applications for selected low- and middle-income origins, 2023 32

A19. Patent applications for the top 20 offices and origins, 2023 33

A20. Flows of non-resident patent applications between the top five origins and the top 10 offices, 2023 34

A21. Patent grants for the top 20 origins, 2023 35

A22. Patent grants for selected low- and middle-income origins, 2023 35

Patent families 36

A23. Trend in patent families worldwide, 2007-2021 36

A24. Distribution of patent families by number of offices for the top origins, 2019-2021 36

A25. Trend in foreign-oriented patent families worldwide, 2007-2020 37

A26. Foreign-oriented patent families for the top 20 origins, 2019-2020 37

A27. Distribution of technology fields for selected applicants based on patent families, 2019-2021 38

A28. Distribution of technology fields for selected universities and PROs based on patent families, 2019-2021 39

Published patent applications by field of technology 40

A29. Published patent applications worldwide by field of technology, 2012, 2017 and 2022 40

A30. Distribution of published patent applications by technology field for the top 10 origins, 2020-2022 41

A31. Trend in patent applications in energy-related technologies, 2007-2022 42

A32. Share of patent applications in energy-related technologies for the top five origins, 2020-2022 43

Participation of women inventors in published PCT applications 44

A33. Share of women among listed inventors in PCT applications, 2009-2023 44

A34. Share of PCT applications with at least one woman as inventor and with at least one man as inventor, 2009-2023 44

A35. Share of women among listed inventors and share of PCT applications with at least one woman as inventor for the top 20 origins, 2023 45

A36. Share of PCT patent applications with women inventors by field of technology, 2023 45

Patent applications in relation to GDP and population 46

A37. Resident patent applications per USD 100 billion GDP for the top 20 origins, 2013 and 2023 46

A38. Resident patent applications per million population for the top 20 origins, 2013 and 2023 46

A39. Resident patent applications per capita and GDP per capita, 2019-2023 46

A40. Resident patent applications per capita and R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP, 2019-2023 47

Patents in force 47

A41. Trend in patents in force worldwide, 2009-2023 47

A42. Patents in force at the top 20 offices, 2023 47

A43. Flow of patents in force between selected origins and offices, 2023 48

A44. Patents in force in 2023 as a percentage of total applications 49

A45. Average age of patents in force at selected offices, 2018 and 2023 49

Patent office procedural data 50

A46. Distribution of patent examination outcomes for selected offices, 2023 50

A47. Potentially pending applications at the top 20 offices, 2023 50

A48. Average pendency times for first office action and final decision at selected offices, 2023 51

A49. Number of patent examiners for selected offices, 2023 51

A50. Average years of experience of patent examiners for selected offices, 2023 51

Patent prosecution highway (PPH) 52

A51. PPH requests by office of first filing and offices of later examination, 2023 52

A52. Flows of PPH requests between offices of first filing and offices of later examination, 2023 53

Utility model applications 54

A53. Trend in utility model applications worldwide, 2009-2023 54

A54. Utility model applications for the top 20 offices, 2023 54

A55. Utility model applications for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 55

A56. Utility model applications for the top 20 origins, 2023 55

A57. Utility model applications for selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 55

Microorganisms 56

A58. Trend in microorganism deposits worldwide, 2009-2023 56

A59. Deposits at the top international depositary authorities, 2023 56

Statistical tables 57

A60. Patent applications by office and origin, 2023 57

A61. Patent grants by office and origin, and patents in force, 2023 60

A62. Patent office procedural data, 2023 63

A63. Utility model applications and grants by office and origin, 2023 65

Trademarks 68

Highlights 69

Trademark statistics 79

Trademark applications and registrations worldwide 81

B1. Trend in trademark applications worldwide, 2009-2023 81

B2. Trend in trademark application class counts worldwide, 2009-2023 81

B3. Resident and non-resident trademark application class counts worldwide, 2009-2023 81

B4. Trend in trademark registrations worldwide, 2009-2023 82

B5. Trend in trademark registration class counts worldwide, 2009-2023 82

B6. Resident and non-resident trademark registration class counts worldwide, 2009-2023 82

Trademark applications and registrations by office 83

B7. Trademark application class counts by region, 2013 and 2023 83

B8. Trend in trademark applications for the top five offices, 1883-2023 83

B9. Trademark application class counts for the top 20 offices, 2023 83

B10. Contribution of resident and non-resident application class counts to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2022-2023 84

B11. Trademark application class counts for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 84

B12. Contribution of resident and non-resident application class counts to total growth for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2022-2023 85

B13. Trademark registration class counts by region, 2013 and 2023 85

B14. Trend in trademark registrations for the top five offices, 1883-2023 85

B15. Trademark registration class counts for the top 20 offices, 2023 86

B16. Trademark registration class counts for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 86

Trademark applications by origin 87

B17. Trademark application class counts for the top 20 origins, 2023 87

B18. Trademark application class counts for selected low- and middle-income origins, 2023 87

B19. Trademark application class counts abroad for the top 20 origins, 2023 88

B20. Trademark application class counts for the top 20 offices and origins, 2023 88

B21. Flows of non-resident trademark application class counts between selected top origins and offices, 2023 90

B22. Distribution of trademark application class counts for the top 15 offices and selected non-resident origins, 2023 91

Trademark applications by Nice class and industry sector 91

B23. Distribution of non-resident trademark applications by top Nice classes, 2023 91

B24. Non-resident trademark applications by goods and services classes, 2023 92

B25. Non-resident trademark applications by industry sector, 2023 92

B26. Trademark applications by top three sectors at the top offices, 2023 93

B27. Distribution of trademark applications by goods and services at the top offices, 2023 93

B28. Trademark applications by top three sectors for the top origins, 2023 93

B29. Distribution of trademark applications by goods and services for the top origins, 2023 94

Trademark application class count in relation to GDP and population 94

B30. Resident trademark application class count per USD 100 billion GDP for selected origins, 2013 and 2023 94

B31. Resident trademark application class count per million population for selected origins, 2013 and 2023 95

Collective and certification trademark applications by office 95

B32. Collective trademark applications for the top 20 offices, 2023 95

B33. Certification trademark applications for the top 20 offices, 2023 95

Trademark registrations in force 96

B34. Trend in trademark registrations in force worldwide, 2010-2023 96

B35. Trademark registrations in force for the top 20 offices, 2023 96

B36. Trademark registrations in force in 2023 as a percentage of total registrations recorded between 1999 and 2023 97

B37. Average age of trademarks in force at selected offices, 2018 and 2023 97

Trademark office procedural data 98

B38. Distribution of trademark examination outcomes for selected offices, 2023 98

B39. Potentially pending trademark applications for selected offices, 2023 98

B40. Number of trademark examiners for selected offices, 2023 98

B41. Duration of trademark examination for selected offices, 2023 99

B42. Third-party oppositions for selected offices, 2023 99

B43. Appeals against decisions for selected offices, 2023 99

Statistical tables 100

B44. Trademark applications by office and origin, 2023 100

B45. Trademark registrations by office and origin, and trademarks in force, 2023 103

B46. Trademark office procedural data, 2023 107

Industrial designs 110

Highlights 111

Industrial design statistics 120

Industrial design applications and registrations worldwide 122

C1. Trend in industrial design applications worldwide, 2009-2023 122

C2. Trend in application design counts worldwide, 2009-2023 122

C3. Resident and non-resident application design counts worldwide, 2009-2023 123

C4. Trend in industrial design registrations worldwide, 2009-2023 123

C5. Trend in registration design counts worldwide, 2009-2023 123

C6. Resident and non-resident registration design counts worldwide, 2009-2023 124

Industrial design applications and registrations by office 124

C7. Application design counts by region, 2013 and 2023 124

C8. Trend in industrial design applications for the top five offices, 1883-2023 124

C9. Application design counts for the top 20 offices, 2023 125

C10. Contribution of resident and non-resident application design counts to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2022-2023 125

C11. Application design counts for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 125

C12. Contribution of resident and non-resident application design counts to total growth for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2022-2023 126

C13. Registration design counts for the top 20 offices, 2023 126

C14. Registration design counts for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 127

C15. Non-resident application design counts by filing route, 2009-2023 127

Application design counts by origin 128

C16. Application design counts for the top 20 origins, 2023 128

C17. Application design counts for selected low- and middle-income origins, 2023 128

C18. Trend in application design counts abroad worldwide, 2013-2023 129

C19. Application design counts abroad for the top 20 origins, 2023 129

C20. Equivalent application design counts abroad for the top 20 origins, 2023 129

C21. Flows of application design counts abroad for the top five origins and the top 10 offices, 2023 130

Application design counts by Locarno class and industry sector 131

C22. Application design counts for the top 10 Locarno classes, 2023 131

C23. Application design counts by industry sector, 2023 131

C24. Distribution of application design counts by the top three sectors for the top 10 offices, 2023 132

C25. Distribution of application design counts by the top three sectors for the top 10 origins, 2023 132

Application design count in relation to GDP and population 133

C26. Resident application design count per USD 100 billion of GDP for the top 20 origins, 2013 and 2023 133

C27. Resident application design count per million population for the top 20 origins, 2013 and 2023 133

C28. Resident application design count per capita and GDP per capita for selected origins, 2019-2023 133

Industrial design registrations in force 134

C29. Trend in industrial design registrations in force worldwide, 2013-2023 134

C30. Industrial design registrations in force for the top 20 offices, 2023 134

C31. Industrial design registrations in force in 2023 as a percentage of total registrations 134

C32. Average age of industrial design registrations in force at selected offices, 2018 and 2023 135

Industrial design office procedural data 135

C33. Distribution of industrial design examination outcomes for selected offices, 2023 135

C34. Potentially pending applications for selected offices, 2023 136

C35. Average pendency times from filing date to first office action and to final decision at selected offices, 2023 136

C36. Number of industrial design examiners for selected offices, 2023 137

Statistical tables 138

C37. Industrial design applications by office and origin, 2023 138

C38. Industrial design registrations by office and origin, and registrations in force, 2023 141

C39. Industrial design office procedural data, 2023 144

Plant varieties 147

Highlights 148

Plant variety statistics 152

Plant variety applications and titles issued worldwide 153

D1. Trend in plant variety applications worldwide, 2009-2023 153

D2. Trend in plant variety titles issued worldwide, 2009-2023 153

Plant variety applications and titles issued by office 153

D3. Plant variety applications by region, 2013 and 2023 153

D4. Trend in plant variety applications for the top five offices, 2000-2023 154

D5. Plant variety applications for the top 20 offices, 2023 154

D6. Contribution of resident and non-resident applications to total growth for the top 20 offices, 2022-2023 154

D7. Plant variety applications for offices of selected low- and middle-income countries, 2023 155

D8. Flow of non-resident applications for the top offices, 2023 156

D9. Plant variety titles issued by the top 20 offices, 2023 157

D10. Trend in plant variety titles issued for the top five offices, 2000-2023 157

Plant variety applications and titles issued by origin 158

D11. Plant variety applications for the top 20 origins, 2023 158

D12. Plant variety applications abroad for the top 20 origins, 2023 158

D13. Plant variety titles issued for the top 20 origins, 2023 158

D14. Plant variety titles issued abroad for the top 20 origins, 2023 159

Plant varieties in force 159

D15. Trend in plant varieties in force worldwide, 2009-2023 159

D16. Plant varieties in force at selected offices, 2023 159

Statistical table 160

D17. Plant variety applications and titles issued by office and origin, and plant variety titles in force by office, 2023 160

Geographical indications 162

Highlights 163

Geographical indications statistics 168

E1. Geographical indications in force for selected national and regional authorities, 2023 169

E2. Geographical indications in force for EU member states, 2023 169

E3. Geographical indications in force by region, 2023 169

E4. Distribution of geographical indications in force by legal means of protection for selected national and regional authorities, 2023 170

E5. Distribution of geographical indications in force by source for selected national and regional authorities, 2023 170

E6. Geographical indications in force by product category, 2023 170

E7. Appellations of origin in force for the top 20 origins, 2023 171

E8. Geographical indications in force in 2023 171

Additional information 173

Data description 174

IP systems at a glance 177

Glossary 182

Abbreviations 190

Annexes 191


#지식재산권 # 특허출원 # 상표출원 # 특허성장


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World Intellectual Property Indicators. 2024

(2024 세계 지식재산권 지표)