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Rapporto 2024 Family (Net) Work
(2024 가족 (네트) 워크 보고서)


Section I - by Assindatcolf
Rethinking domestic work: policies, proposals and solutions for the future pag. 9

Introduction 11
1. - The current tax system 14
2. -The domestic work sector between benefits and lack of recognition 19
3. - Supply-demand management policies: the Flows Decree “case” 26
4. - Summary considerations 28

Section II - by Censis
Where is welfare going? Health, care and welfare in the families’ expectations 31

Introduction 33
1. - Health, between demographic constraints and the public service backwardness 34
2. - Assistance in Italy, the eternal “Cinderella” of the social protection system 41
3. - Factors that may make the welfare system unsustainable 44
4. - Household resources and social security 47
5. - Summary considerations 63

Section II - by Idos
The need for Italian and foreign labour in the domestic work sector in Italy. Estimate 2023-2025 by regions 67

Introduction 69
1. - The ageing of the Italian population 73
2. - The estimation methodology 75
3. - Population aged 65+ who are in poor health 76
4. - Population aged 65+ receiving assistance and the nature of the assistance they receive 76
5. - Inps data on domestic helpers and carers 80
6. - Estimated labour force in the personal care sector (carers) 82
7. - Estimated labour force in the domestic work sector (domestic helpers) 84
8. - The increase over the three-year period 2023-2025 86
Bibliographic references 88

Section II - by Effe
Migrant integration, professionalisation and attractiveness in the domestic and home care sector. What perspective regarding to the next Eu legislative mandate? 91

Introduction 93
1. - Economic & social dimension of the Phs sector 95
2. - Labour shortages in the Phs sector and lack of attractiveness 100
3. - European initiatives implemented during the mandate 2019-2024 107
4. - Proposals for the next mandate 126

Section IV - a cura di Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro
Domestic work and family welfare: the resilience of the system is at risk 135

Introduction 137
1 - Is domestic work at a turning point? 141
2 - Signs of subsidence in family welfare 149
3 - Rethinking ageing at home policies 162

Section V - Statistical appendix 171
The number of domestic work 173
A - Italian population and households 176
B - Workers and domestic employers 184
C - Housing and household expenditures incurred by Italian families 194


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Rapporto 2024 Family (Net) Work

(2024 가족 (네트) 워크 보고서)