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The State of Fashion 2025: Challenges at every turn
(패션의 상태 2025: 모든 시점의 도전)


6 Executive Summary

8 Industry Outlook

16 Global Economy
Theme 01: Trade Reconfigured
Theme 02: Asia’s New Growth Engines

39 Consumer Shifts
Theme 03: Discovery Reinvented
Theme 04: Silver Spenders
Theme 05: Value Shift

73 Fashion System
Theme 06: The Human Side of Sales
Theme 07: Marketplaces Disrupted
Theme 08: Sportswear Showdown
Theme 09: Inventory Excellence
Theme 10: The Sustainability Collective

129 McKinsey Global Fashion Index


#2025전망 # 패션산업전망 # 세계경제


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The State of Fashion 2025: Challenges at every turn

(패션의 상태 2025: 모든 시점의 도전)