Glossary 3
Ministerial foreword 5
Strategic context 6
Space – the new high seas 6
A transformed Europe 11
Paradigm shift in Swedish security policy 12
Freedom of action in and through space 16
Peace in outer space 16
Deterrence and defence 18
The overall threat landscape 20
A security-based approach 20
Increased resilience 21
Preparedness in the space domain 23
A space portfolio to support total defence and crisis preparedness 24
A balanced space portfolio 24
Space services 26
Space operations support 28
Security of supply 29
Sweden in the international space arena 32
A credible Ally in NATO 32
An engaged EU Member 34
A strong voice in the UN 36
The Nordic community 37
Cooperation with strategic partners 37
Space policy in a new security situation 39
Integrated governance and coordination of space policy 39
Human capital in space, defence and security 41
Implementation and evaluation 43
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The role of space in a new security situation: Sweden’s defence and security strategy for space
(새로운 안보 상황에서 우주의 역할: 스웨덴의 우주 방위 및 안보 전략)