Executive summary 3
1. From Tempest to GCAP, from bilateral relations to a trilateral partnership 17
by Elio Calcagno and Gaia Ravazzolo
2. The Italian way to GCAP 28
by Elio Calcagno and Nicolò Murgia
3. The British way to GCAP 38
by Douglas Barrie
4. The Japanese way to GCAP 45
by Oue Sadamasa
5. The GCAP politico-institutional governance 52
by Karolina Muti and Nicolò Murgia
6. The GCAP industrial architecture 59
by Karolina Muti and Gaia Ravazzolo
7. The leap to next-generation aircraft: A katana tale 67
by Elio Calcagno and Alessandro Marrone
8. Common training: Best praxes from the past, guidelines for the future 75
by Elio Calcagno
9. The cross-sectorial implications for Italy: Technologies, innovation and skills 82
by Michele Nones and Gaia Ravazzolo
Conclusions 90
by Alessandro Marrone and Michele Nones
Acronyms 101