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Ensuring American leadership in automated vehicle technologies : automated vehicles 4.0
(자율주행차 가이드라인)


Title page


Executive Summary 5

I. Automated Vehicles 5

Potential Benefits of Automated Vehicle Technology 6

U.S. Government Automated Vehicle Technology Principles 7

I. Protect Users and Communities 8

II. Promote Efficient Markets 8

III. Facilitate Coordinated Efforts 9

II. Administration Efforts Supporting Automated Vehicle Technology Growth and Leadership 10

III. U.S. Government Activities and Opportunities for Collaboration 12

A. U.S. Government Investments in the Automated Vehicle Sector 12

Safety 12

Ensuring Mobility for All Americans 13

Fundamental Research 15

Security and Cybersecurity 25

Infrastructure 28

Spectrum and Connectivity 29

Economics and Workforce Research 31

B. U.S. Government Enabling Activities in the Automated Vehicle Sector 31

Fostering Collaboration with Government 31

Voluntary Consensus Standards and Other Guidance 33

Regulatory Authority and Automated Vehicles 34

Taxation, Trade, and Intellectual Property 35

Environmental Quality 38

Competition, Privacy, and Market Transparency 39

C. U.S. Government Resources for Automated Vehicle Sector Innovators 40

Federal Laboratories Test Beds and Technology Transfer 40

Small Business Administration Resources 40

United States Patent and Trademark Office's Inventor and Entrepreneur Resources 41

USAspending.gov 41

Additional U.S. Government Resources 41

IV. Conclusion 41

V. Appendix A - U.S. Government Resources 42

VI. Appendix B - U.S. Government AV Contacts 46

VII. Appendix C - Automated Vehicle Fast Track Action Committee 47

VIII. Appendix D - Development and Writing Team 48

IX. Appendix E - Acronyms 50

About the National Science and Technology Council 55

About the Office of Science and Technology Policy 55

About this Document 55

Copyright Information 55


#자율주행 #모빌리티전략 #AV4.0 #자율주행자동차
