Summary 3
Summary of conclusions and recommendations 5
Chapter 1: Introduction 9
Box 1: Summary of recommendations by transport mode 10
Chapter 2: Users 11
Usage trends 11
Travel to work 11
Travel for leisure 12
User preferences 13
Reliability 13
‘Turn up and go’ 13
Fares 14
Safety 14
User demographics 15
Chapter 3: Connectivity 17
Connectivity 17
Physical infrastructure 17
Mobility hubs 17
Figure 1: Stuttgart-Vaihingen Railway Station Mobility Hub 18
Integration of services 19
Coordination of bus services and timetables 19
Integration across modes 19
Box 2: Taktfahrplan 20
Figure 2: Coventry Railway Station combined bus and rail
timetable screen 20
Digital connectivity 21
Demand-responsive transport 21
Box 3: ArrivaClick 22
Car sharing 23
Box 4: Liftshare 23
Open data sharing 24
Role of local authorities 25
Government commitments 25
Chapter 4: Ticketing 26
Contactless ticketing 26
Smartcards 26
Box 5: Vienna Annual Season Ticket 27
Government commitments 27
Multi-modal, multi-operator 28
Concessionary fares 29
Chapter 5: Local government and planning 31
Local government 31
Box 6: Public transport governance in London 31
Bus services regulation 32
Enhanced partnerships 33
Franchising 33
Box 7: Public transport franchising in Manchester 34
Municipal bus companies 34
Government’s view 35
Planning 35
Density 36
New developments 36
Developer contributions 38
Local government resources 38
Central government policy coordination 39
Government policy on cars 40
Road space 42
Chapter 6: Funding and appraisal 43
Funding 43
Light rail, very light rail and bus rapid transit 43
Figure 3: Very Light Rail prototype, Coventry 44
Box 8: Belfast Glider 45
Figure 4: Belfast Rapid Transit Glider system 45
Overall levels of funding 46
Levelling up 47
Figure 5: UK public expenditure on transport 47
Bus funding 48
Capital funding 50
Table 1: City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement funding
allocations 51
Appraisal and evaluation 54
Appraisal processes 54
Evaluation 55
Appendix 1: List of Members and declarations of interest 57
Appendix 2: List of witnesses 59
Appendix 3: Call for evidence 64
Appendix 4: Committee visit to Nottingham 66
Appendix 5: Committee visit to Coventry and Birmingham 68
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Public transport in towns and cities
(마을과 도시의 대중교통)