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Action plan against labour exploitation
(노동 착취에 대한 행동 계획)


1 Introduction 9
2 Background 10
3 Safeguarding the operating conditions of authorities involved in preventing and combatting the grey economy and economic crime and exploitation as well as developing cooperation between these authorities 12
3.1 Developing the exchange of information between authorities 12
Measure 1: Improving the possibilities for cooperation between authorities, including ensuring access to information and information exchange rights between authorities initiated by authorities themselves 12
3.2 Developing the analysis activities of the authorities and the utilisation of analysis data 14
Measure 2: The analysis activities of the authorities and the utilisation of analysis data will be developed in cooperation with the authorities The availability of situational information related to human trafficking crimes to support strategic and political decision-making will be ensured 14
3.3 Co-operation between agencies will be further developed 15
Measure 3: Develop practical cooperation between authorities to prevent labour exploitation by means of a pilot project 15
Measure 4: A national cooperation network will be set up to promote the prevention of undeclared work In addition to promoting the fight against undeclared work, the EU's internal measures against labour exploitation will be expanded to the tasks of the network 16
Measure 5: Investigating ways of intensifying cooperation between authorities and developing competence in combatting labour exploitation 17
4 Promoting the identification and detection of exploitation and trafficking of humans, improving the status of exploited workers and preventing the recurrence of exploitation 19
4.1 Strengthening ex-ante and ex-post monitoring in the residence permit procedure for workers 19
Measure 6: A Government proposal to amend the Aliens Act will be prepared so that it will be possible to refuse a residence permit in situations when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the foreigner is a victim of exploitation or could end up in a vulnerable position 19
Measure 7: Follow-up monitoring will be developed to identify risk factors in the residence permit procedure Automated follow-up measures will be created in work-based residence permit processes to screen work-related exploitation during the validity of the permit 20
4.2 Developing legislation to improve the status of victims of exploitation 21
Measure 8: Changes preventing and combatting work-related exploitation will be investigated and implemented in connection with the residence permit procedure, such as the impacts of suspected offences on the employer, clarifying the limits of the employer's liability, and further development of the residence permit granted to victims of exploitation 21
Measure 9: Based on the reports, the necessary legislative amendments will be implemented to improve the status of collectors of natural products, to prevent and combat labour exploitation and to guarantee the availability of labour Supporting actors in the sector in their work on corporate responsibility and ensuring through adequate supervision that measures against labour exploitation are implemented in practice 21
4.3 The impact of differences between entrepreneurship and employment are taken into account in the prevention of labour exploitation 22
Measure 10: The impacts of the registration obligation of any invoicing service companies on labour exploitation will be examined as part of the implementation of the Government Programme 22
Measure 11: Promoting the correct classification of the legal relationship concerning employment (employment/entrepreneurship) and enhancing communication 23
4.4 Developing the authorities' competence in the service system to identify exploitation and human trafficking and to improve victims' access to assistance 24
Measure 12: A national steering and identification mechanism for victims of human trafficking will be created 24
Measure 13: Strengthening the competence of authorities receiving residence permit applications to identify labour exploitation 24
Measure 14: Developing the competence of the authorities in TE Offices and municipal employment services 25
Measure 15: Training the supervisory and granting authorities of agricultural subsidies and applicants for support on social conditionality requirements 26
Measure 16: Training the authorities to improve the efficiency of the investigation of human trafficking offences 27
5 Promoting the integration, establishment and social inclusion of foreigners arriving in Finland from abroad to work in Finland 28
5.1 Increasing advisory services, use of interpreters and information on society and working life rules in both Finland and the countries of origin 29
Measure 17: The availability of comprehensive information on living in Finland in different languages will be ensured The basic information material referred to in the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration will be updated and a modern and cost-effective implementation method will be created 29
Measure 18: In cooperation with labour market organisations, concise information will be produced on the provisions of generally applicable collective agreements in several languages 30
Measure 19: Increasing the marketing of the Work Help Finland application and expanding its content 30
Measure 20: Increasing general information on the prevention of labour exploitation through the network of Finnish diplomatic missions 31
Measure 21: Ensuring adequate interpretation services for occupational health and safety inspectors 32
6 Strengthening the social responsibility of employers in preventing and combatting
the exploitation of foreign labour 33
6.1 Promoting ethical international recruitment 33
Measure 22: Increasing companies' competence in working life rules and ethical international recruitment 33
Measure 23: Identifying reliable international recruitment partners in Finland with the help of criteria 34
Measure 24: Identifying and validating trusted recruitment partners in partner countries 35
Measure 25: Promoting ethical international recruitment through intergovernmental measures together with partner countries in accordance with the Government Programme, e.g through treaties and memoranda of understanding 36
7 Improving the implementation of criminal liability while ensuring the legal protection of the suspect 37
7.1 Increasing sanctions for exploitation to prevent the exploitation of workers 37
Measure 26: Increasing the penalty of exploitation in working life and expanding the scope of criminal liability of legal persons 37
7.2 Safeguarding the operating conditions of the criminal proceedings 38
Measure 27: Safeguarding the police's human trafficking investigation resources and strengthening competence in it 38
Measure 28: Securing the operating conditions of the criminal proceedings by strengthening the occupational safety and health authority's legal resources 39
Measure 29: Securing the operating conditions of the criminal proceedings by examining the funding of the criminal proceedings as a whole in order to avoid bottlenecks and to ensure the funding of legal system actors 40
7.3 Streamlining the criminal proceedings 41
Measure 30: Investigating the centralisation of investigative activities for expert investigators and heads of investigation 41
Measure 31: Monitoring and evaluating the functioning of criminal procedure legislation 42
7.4 Improving access to legal aid and safeguarding victim support services 42
Measure 32: Improving access to legal aid by examining the possibilities of increasing the income limits for legal aid and the fees paid to private assistants 42
Measure 33: A victim policy action plan will be drawn up with the aim of securing the funding of victim support services and improving the status of victims of crime in criminal proceedings 43



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