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Child penalties and the gender gap in home production and the labor market
(육아 페널티와 가사 노동 및 노동 시장의 성별 격차)


Title page


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Institutional setting 6

3. Methodology 7

4. Data 8

5. Results 11

6. Discussion and Conclusion 17

References 18

Appendix 1: F-tests of pre-childbirth coefficients 23

Appendix 2: Time use with imputed data 23

Appendix 3: Additional outcome measures 29

Table 1. Summary statistics by gender 9

Table 2. Child penalties relative to men by outcome measure relative to one year before the birth of one's first child. Short-run penalties are measured the year... 16

Table 3. P-values of F tests with respect to pre-childbirth coefficients 23

Figure 1. Means and confidence intervals of hourly and monthly earnings over the event time 10

Figure 2. Means and confidence intervals of hours worked and commuted over the event time 10

Figure 3. Means and confidence intervals of time spent on home production and the sum of labor market activity and home production over the event time 11

Figure 4. Participation rate coefficients by gender. Based on 3350 observations, and 746 individuals 12

Figure 5. Monthly earnings coefficients by gender. Based on 3131 observations, and 712 individuals 13

Figure 6. Weekly hours working and commuting coefficients by gender. Based on 1003 observations, and 564 individuals 13

Figure 7. Weekly hours spent on children and chores coefficients by gender. Based on 331 observations, and 255 individuals 14

Figure 8. Weekly hours spent on working, commuting, children, and chores by gender. Based on 329 observations, and 255 individuals 15

Figure 9. Weekly hours spent working by event time and gender with imputed time use 23

Figure 10. Weekly hours spent working and commuting by event time and gender with imputed time use 24

Figure 11. Weekly hours spent on children by event time and gender with imputed time use 24

Figure 12. Weekly hours spent on chore and children by event time and gender with imputed time use 25

Figure 13. Weekly hours spent on total household activity by event time and gender with imputed time use 25

Figure 14. Effects of childbirth on hours spent working by event time and gender with imputed time use. Based on 1948 observations, and 666 individuals 26

Figure 15. Effects of childbirth on hours spent working and commuting by event time and gender with imputed time use. Based on 1248 observations, and 565 individuals 26

Figure 16. Effects of childbirth on hours spent on children by event time and gender with imputed time use. Based on 509 observations, and 312 individuals 27

Figure 17. Effects of childbirth on hours spent on chores and children by event time and gender with imputed time use. Based on 387 observations, and 256 individuals 27

Figure 18. Effects of childbirth on hours spent on total household activity by event time and gender with imputed time use. Based on 385 observations, and 256 individuals 28

Figure 19. Hourly wage estimates by event time and gender. Based on 747 observations, and 404 individuals 29

Figure 20. Log monthly wage estimates by event time and gender. Based on 1811 observations, and 565 individuals 30

Figure 21. Level monthly wage estimates by event time and gender. Based on 1811 observations, and 565 individuals 30

Figure 22. Weekly hours worked estimates by event time and gender. Based on 1573 observations, and 665 individuals 31

Figure 23. Weekly hours spent on children estimates by event time and gender. Based on 438 observations, and 312 individuals 31

Figure 24. Weekly hours spent on leisure by event time and gender. Based on 1093 observations, and 593 individuals 32


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