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Lost in the green transition? measurement and stylized facts
(녹색 전환에서 길을 잃었나요? 측정 및 양식화된 사실)


Title page


Abstract/Résumé 4

Introduction 6

1. Green jobs 7

2. High polluting jobs 11

3. Data 13

4. Green and high-polluting jobs: stylised facts and distributional aspects 14

5. Labour market transitions and displacement risks in the greening economy 24

Conclusions and policy considerations 29

References 31

Appendix 34

Data sources 34

Estimating the number of workers in green and brown jobs 34

Analysing labour market transitions for green and brown jobs workers 35

Sample size 36

Additional stylized facts 38

Table 1. Greenest occupations across European countries, 2019 15

Table 2. High-polluting occupations across European countries 17

Figure 1. Building green scores for European occupations: an overview 9

Figure 2. Mapping and weighing exercise: an example 11

Figure 3. From Eurostat air emission accounts to high-polluting jobs scores across European countries: overview of a new approach 12

Figure 4. Green employment by industry, average across European countries, preliminary estimates, 2019 16

Figure 5. Green and high-polluting jobs across European countries, 2011-2019 18

Figure 6. Green jobs across socioeconomic groups, share of group employment in 2019 20

Figure 7. The prevalence of high-polluting and green jobs in rural and urban areas, 2019 21

Figure 8. Incidence of temporary contracts among workers employed in green and high-polluting jobs, 2019 22

Figure 9. Participation to training among workers employed in green and high-polluting jobs, 2019 23

Figure 10. Share of high-polluting and green jobs across the deciles of the wage distribution, 2015-2019 24

Figure 11. Unemployment to job transitions 25

Figure 12. Study-related inactivity to green jobs transitions, by gender 26

Figure 13. Job to unemployment transitions 27

Figure 14. Job to unemployment transitions, share of rural areas 28

Figure 15. Incidence of long-term unemployment among individuals with previous work experience 29

Table A.1. Data sources 34

Table A.2. Sample size and composition 37

Figure A.1. Transitions from study-related inactivity to high polluting jobs, by gender 38


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