1. Introduction 1
2. The OpenResearch unconditional income study (ORUS) 7
2.1 Recruitment 7
2.2 Randomizations 8
2.2.1 Randomization to the main study sample 8
2.2.2 Enrollment 9
2.2.3 Randomization to treatment or control 10
2.3 Cash transfers 10
3. Data collection and outcome measures 11
3.1 Administrative data 11
3.2 Enumerated survey data 11
3.3 Web-based survey data 12
3.4 Mobile application data 12
3.5 Attrition 13
4. Method 13
5. Results 15
5.1 Income, labor supply, and time use 15
5.2 Duration of unemployment 18
5.3 Job search and selectivity 18
5.4 Quality of employment 18
5.5 Entrepreneurship 20
5.6 Disability and barriers to employment 21
5.7 Human capital formation 21
5.8 Labor market mobility 22
6. Discussion 23
6.1 Heterogeneity in treatment effects 23
6.2 Robustness checks 24
6.3 Modeling labor supply and consumption decisions 25
6.4 Comparison to forecasts from NBER affiliates 28
7. Conclusion 29
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The employment effects of a guaranteed income : experimental evidence from two U.S. States
(보장된 소득의 고용 효과 : 미국 두 주의 실험적 증거)