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Digitalization and inclusive growth : a review of the evidence
(디지털화와 포괄적 성장 : 증거 검토)

□ 디지털화가 생산성 향상, 고용과 임금, 시장 접근성, 정부 재정에 미치는 성장 및 분배 효과를 네 가지 경로를 통해 검토함

□ 첫째, 디지털화는 수요와 공급의 매칭을 개선하고, 비즈니스 프로세스를 효율화하며, 무형 자본 축적을 통해 평균 생산성을 높임
 - 그러나 개발도상국에서는 인공지능과 자동화로 인한 생산성 증대 효과가 이전 정보통신기술(ICT) 도입의 효과보다 낮을 수 있음

□ 둘째, 정보통신기술의 도입이 개발도상국의 총고용을 감소시키거나 직업 양극화를 초래했다는 증거는 부족하지만, 인공지능과 로봇 기술은 보완 기술의 필요성으로 인해 일부 계층에 도전 과제를 제기할 수 있음

□ 셋째, 디지털화는 정보 흐름을 개선하여 농촌 가구, 소규모 기업, 금융 서비스 이용이 어려운 인구의 시장 접근성을 향상시킴

□ 넷째, 디지털 기술은 공공 서비스 및 복지 프로그램의 투명성과 책임성을 높이고, 관료적 절차를 간소화하며, 새로운 전달 모델을 도입하여 정부 재정 지출과 세수 확보의 효율성을 개선함


Title page


Abstract 2

1. Introduction 4

2. Digitalization and productivity growth 9

2.1. Does digitalization enable better matching of supply and demand? 9

2.2. Does digitalization increase the efficiency of business processes? 10

2.3. Does digitalization increase capital accumulation? 12

3. Digitalization, employment, and wages 13

3.1. Does automation reduce the demand for labor? 13

3.2. Does automation increase job polarization? 15

4. Digitalization and access to markets 17

4.1. Does digitalization improve the pass-through of market prices for producers and consumers in rural areas? 17

4.2. Does digitalization improve market access for small firms? 17

4.3. Does digitalization expand financial inclusion? 18

5. Digitalization and public finance 19

5.1. Does digitalization improve the delivery of public services? 20

5.2. Does digitalization enhance government revenue collection? 21

6. Conclusion 22

References 24

Figure 1. Digital technology adoption by firms in EU-27 countries 5

Figure 2. Digital adoption by individuals 5

Figure 3. Digital adoption by firms and governments 6


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Digitalization and inclusive growth : a review of the evidence

(디지털화와 포괄적 성장 : 증거 검토)