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New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration : Effects and Challenges
(망명과 통합에 관한 새로운 덴마크 패러다임 : 효과와 과제)


Forward 3
Introduction: Radical-right Mainstreaming on Immigration/Integration in Western Europe and Denmark 5
A Cycle of Insecurity: The Consequences of the Temporary Protection for Refugees in Danish Refugee and Integration Law 12
The Danish "Paradigm Shift": Consequences for Female Refugees and Marrige Migrants 28
Consequences of the Parallel Society Legislation on Affected Residents: Unsafety, Spatial Divides, and Exclusion at a Local and National Scale 41
The Paradigm Shift and Its Consequences on Immigration to Denmark: A Comparative Perspective 54
The Populist Radical Right's Influence on Politics: Boon of Bane for Mainstream Political Parties? 68
Conclusion: Lessons from Denmark and Beyond - Strategies for the Way Forward for Denmark Political Parties 81


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New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration : Effects and Challenges

(망명과 통합에 관한 새로운 덴마크 패러다임 : 효과와 과제)