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Government Integration Programme 2024–2027 : Government Resolution
(정부 통합 프로그램 2024-2027: 정부 결의 )


1 Principles of the Government Integration Programme 2024–2027
2 Objectives for the promotion of integration for the period 2024–2027
    2.1 Integration in Finland through work
    2.2 Immigrants’ responsibility for integration will increase and obligations will be introduced to the system 
    2.3 Combatting the emergence of parallel societies 
    2.4 Integration benefits the whole family 
3 Measures for the promotion of integration in 2024–2027 
    3.1 Introducing incentives and obligations to the integration system 
        3.1.1 Incentives and obligations related to social assistance and the labour market support 
        3.1.2 Inventiveness and conditionality of benefits paid to immigrant parents, encouraging participation in the labour market 
        3.1.3 Increasing incentives for permanent residence permits and naturalisation 
    3.2 Integration services reform project 
    3.3 Ensuring that immigrants can integrate in both Finnish and Swedish 
    3.4 Improving the status of immigrant mothers 
    3.5 Promoting the integration of persons under temporary protection 
    3.6 Promoting the integration of children and young people 
    3.7 Developing the integration system by targeting resources purposefully 
    3.8 Finland is determined to combat the emergence of parallel societies
    3.9 Developing the receptiveness of working life 
4 Monitoring 
5 Preparation for the employment services and Integration Act reforms and the national objectives for referral to municipalities 
    5.1 Promotion of equal and sufficient accessibility of services promoting integration in municipalities and wellbeing service counties 
    5.2 National employment promotion objectives referred to in the act of the organisation of employment services 
    5.3 National objectives for referral to municipalities 


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Government Integration Programme 2024–2027 : Government Resolution

(정부 통합 프로그램 2024-2027: 정부 결의 )