I. Introduction 2
II. Potential mechanisms 5
III. Institutional background 8
Figure 1 UK early retirement age for women by date of birth
IV. Data 12
Table 1 Sample summary statistics of women aged 59-67; 2009 to 2021
V. Empirical methodology 16
Figure 2 Employment rates of women over time, by single year of age
VI. Results 21
Table 2 Effect of increasing the early retirement age for women from 60 to 66 on
different types of employment
Table 3 Percentage point effect of increasing the early retirement age for women from
60 to 66 on employment rates for women by quartile of financial wealth during mid-50s
Table 4 Effect of increasing the early retirement age for women from 60 to 66 on
employment for different birth cohorts, for those in paid work at age 59
Figure 3 Percentage of working women who leave paid work for different reasons over
three months, by number of years to ERA (2010Q2 to 2021Q1)
Table 5 Percentage point effect of increasing the early retirement age for women from
60 to 66 on probability of leaving work within the last 3 months, for different reasons
VII. Conclusion 32
Appendix A - Supplementary Tables and Figures 39
Appendix Table 1 Illustrative change in the incentive to work at the early retirement
age in the UK for a single individual (£ per week)
Appendix Table 2 Effect of increasing the early retirement age for women from 60 to
66 on different types of employment – comparing TWFE and BJS estimates
Appendix Table 3 Percentage point effect of increasing the early retirement age for
women from 60 to 66 on employment rates by quartile of financial wealth during mid50s – comparing TWFE and BJS estimates
Appendix Table 4 Effect of increasing early retirement age for women from 60 to 66
on employment for different birth cohorts, separately for women in the bottom two
quartiles of the liquid net financial wealth distribution
Appendix Figure 1 Calculated employment shares in the month reaching age 59, for
women born in 1952, by current age
Appendix Figure 2 Employment rates over time of women who were in paid work at age
59, by single year of age
Appendix Figure 3 Comparing wealth across birth cohorts
Appendix B: Using the Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2024) estimator 46