Preface III
Acknowledgements IX
Executive summary: From job recovery to sustained resilience? XI
1. From recovery to sustained resilience? 1
Tepid growth is testing labour markets 1
Benign headline jobs figures hide structural vulnerabilities 3
Outlook: Uncertainty hinders structural change 15
References 18
2. Employment and social trends by region 21
Africa 21
Labour market trends in Northern Africa 22
Labour market trends in sub-Saharan Africa 22
Formalizing and boistering remittances as a from of private capital mobilization 24
Americas 25
Labour market trends in Latin America and the Caribbean 26
Labour market trends in Northern America 26
Climate-related risks and the Caribbean tourism industry 28
Arab States 30
Labour market trends in the Arab States 30
The adoption of artificial intelligence and digital technologies and widening gender gaps 32
Asia and the Pacific 34
Labour market trends in Asia and the Pacific 34
Progress across several decent work deficits has stalled 36
Transitions and the implications for job creation and disruption 36
Europe and Central Asia 38
Labour market trends in Europe and Central Asia 38
Slow productivity growth in the European Union is expected to weigh on real wage growth 41
References 42