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A blueprint for broadband affordability
(광대역 인터넷의 경제성 확보를 위한 청사진)


Key Takeaways 1
Introduction 2
Lack of Broadband Adoption Is the Leading Cause of the Digital Divide 3
Affordability Defined 4
Looking Back at the Affordable Connectivity Program 5
    Was ACP Eligibility Too Broad? 5
    Should ACP Be Open Only to First-Time Subscribers? 6
    Does ACP Increase Broadband Prices for Nonrecipients? 6
A Blueprint for Broadband Affordability 7
    Eligibility 7
    Benefit Amount 7
    Estimated Cost 8
Paying for the Plan 9
Conclusion 11
Endnotes 12


#디지털격차 # 광대역인터넷 # 인터넷접근권 # 저소득지원


AI 요약·번역 서비스

인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.

A blueprint for broadband affordability

(광대역 인터넷의 경제성 확보를 위한 청사진)