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5 years later: America looks back at the impact of COVID-19
(5년 후: 코로나19의 영향을 되돌아보는 미국)


About Pew Research Center 2
How we did this 3
Table of Contents 4
Overview 5
1. Americans’ views on COVID-19 risk and the country’s response to health emergencies 22
2. How COVID-19 changed U.S. workplaces 35
3. How the COVID-19 pandemic affected U.S. religious life 46
4. How COVID-19 impacted Americans’ relationship with technology 52

Appendix 65
Acknowledgments 69
Methodology 70


#코로나19 # 미국사회 # 공공보건


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인공지능이 자동으로 요약·번역한 내용입니다.

5 years later: America looks back at the impact of COVID-19

(5년 후: 코로나19의 영향을 되돌아보는 미국)