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National shipbuilding strategy : a refreshed strategy for a globally successful, innovative and sustainable shipbuilding enterprise


Title page


Foreword from the Prime Minister 6

Foreword from the Defence Secretary and Shipbuilding Tsar 7

Executive Summary 8

Chapter 1. Strategic Context 11

Chapter 2. Organisation 15

National Shipbuilding Office 15

Delivering with Industry 16

Governance 16

Chapter 3. Demand Signal and Policy 18

30 Year Cross-Government Shipbuilding Pipeline 18

The Cross-Government Fleet 18

Devolved Administrations Vessels 25

The Royal Navy Fleet of the Future 28

Shipbuilding Policy for Defence Vessels 31

Shipbuilding Policy Objectives 32

Government Procurement 33

Chapter 4. Technology and Innovation as Enablers of Productivity and Competitiveness 35

UK Research and Innovation 37

Centres of Excellence 39

The Shipyard of the Future 39

The Green Maritime Revolution 40

UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions 43

Building Shipbuilding Opportunity into Clean Energy Developments 48

Home Shipbuilding Credit Guarantee Scheme 49

Place-Based Initiatives 49

Foreign Direct Investment in the Supply Chain 53

Royal Navy Technology Roadmap 53

Chapter 5. Exports 57

Maritime Capability Campaign Office 58

Export Success Criteria 58

Export Prospects 59

Green Global Shipbuilding 60

UK Export Finance 61

Chapter 6. Skills 64

UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce 64

Maritime Skills Commission 65

Employer-Led Skills Across the UK 65

Next Steps 70

Glossary 71

Directory 73

Doing Business with Government 73

R&D Support 73

Skills Support 74

Figure 1. Depiction of our definition of the UK shipbuilding enterprise 14

Figure 2. Shipbuilding governance structure 17

Figure 3. 30 Year Cross-Government Shipbuilding Pipeline 19

Figure 4. Shipbuilding policy objectives 32

Figure 5. Technologies and fuels on a pathway to zero-emission shipping 40

Figure 6. Map of Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition Winners 43

Figure 7. Potential annual future global market for maritime emission reduction options 44

Figure 8. Royal Navy Technology Roadmap 54

Figure 9. Maritime Capability Campaign Office inputs 58


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