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Department of Justice report to Congress pursuant to the Defend Trade Secrets Act
(영업비밀보호법에 따른 법무부의 대의회 보고서)


Title page


I. Nature of the Threat and International Response 3

II. U.S. Efforts to Protect Trade Secrets-Criminal and Trade Law Enforcement 7

A. Federal Bureau of Investigation 7

1. Examples of Activity Referred to the FBI 7

B. Department of Justice Resources Addressing Trade Secret Theft and IP Crime 9

1. CCIPS, the CHIP Network, and OIA 10

2. CES and the NSCS Network 11

C. Office of the United States Trade Representative 11

1. Section 301 Investigation 11

III. U.S. Engagement with Foreign Governments and Activities to Increase Victim and International Awareness 12

A. Victim Resources to Report Instances of Trade Secret Theft 13

B. Department of Justice and FBI Outreach 13

C. U.S. Commerce and Trade Agencies' Activities 15

1. APEC 15

2. USPTO Trade Secret Symposium 15

3. USPTO "China IP Roadshows" 15

4. USPTO Regional Offices 16

5. Trade Secret Video 16

6. USPTO GIPA Programs 16

7. Bilateral Exchanges with China 17

8. Engagement with U.S. Industry on Trade Secret Issues in China 18

9. Data-driven Policy-making 19

10. IP Attache Work Concerning Trade Secret Protection 19

11. USTR Efforts 23

Appendix A 27

Appendix B 28

Appendix C 29

Appendix D 31

Appendix E 32

Appendix F 33


#영업비밀보호법 #기술보호 #기술유출 #산업보안
