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Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2022
(연구 및 혁신에 관한 연방 보고서 2022)


1 Launching a new decade of transformation 2
2 Actively shaping transformation processes and reaping the benefits of emerging fields of development 4
2.1 Securing the sovereignty of Germany and Europe 5
2.2 Increasing digitalisation dynamics, creating secure and powerful infrastructures,
and leveraging data potentials 7
2.3 Protecting the climate and the environment,
resource-conscious management and accelerating the energy transition 9
2.4 Fostering resilience in all areas of society 12
3 Working together effectively paving the way for modernisation 15
3.1 Making research and innovation go hand in hand translating new findings into innovations 16
3.2 Strengthening European and international cooperation 17
3.3 Attracting new actors to innovation activities and boosting participation in innovation 18
3.4 Attracting talent and promoting qualification 19
3.5 Establishing an agile R&I policy style rethinking government and public administration 21
Imprint 25



#디지털화 # 연구 # 혁신 # R&D # 회복력
