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Cultivating the next generation of green and digital innovators – the role of higher education
(차세대 친환경 디지털 혁신가 양성 : 고등 교육의 역할)


Title page


Higher education's role in building human capital for green and digital innovation 2

1. Tracking competencies needed for green and digital innovation 6

2. Reviewing and updating curricula 10

3. Engaging and motivating learners 15

4. Promoting partnership with business and industry 19

References 24

Annex A. Education and Innovation Practice Community International Online Knowledge Exchange Agenda 32

Figure 1. Higher education attainment has increased in all OECD countries in the past two decades 3

Figure 2. Actors influencing competency development in higher education 4

Figure 3. Avenues for higher education to cultivate competencies for green and digital innovation 5

Figure 4. Population aged 25-64 with tertiary attainment in STEM subjects (2021) 15


Box 1. Comprehensive, connected approaches to skills anticipation at CEDEFOP and Finland 8

Box 2. Assessing higher education students' competencies in Ireland and Italy 9

Box 3. Innovative assessments of curriculum content in the United States and Denmark 12

Box 4. Field-specific collaborative programmes in innovative disciplines 14

Box 5. Initiatives supporting student engagement in entrepreneurship and interdisciplinarity 17

Box 6. Bringing visibility to institutions' efforts for sustainability education 18

Box 7. Initiatives in Europe building bridges between higher education, research and industry 21

Box 8. Examples of industry-sponsored innovation competitions and partnerships across OECD countries 23


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