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How are OECD governments navigating the digital higher education landscape? evidence from a comparative policy survey
(OECD 회원국 정부는 디지털 고등교육 환경을 어떻게 조성하고 있는가?)


Title page


Acknowledgements 4

Abstract 5

Introduction 8

Information about the survey 8

1. Regulating and governing digital higher education 11

System-level digitalisation policy 11

Regulation of online and hybrid education provision 16

Quality assurance of digital education provision 22

2. Financial and human resources 24

Supports for students participating in digital learning 24

Institution funding for digital higher education 27

Human resources policies for digital education 30

References 33

Annex A. Tables of selected individual responses 34

Figure 1. Topics covered by the Higher Education Policy Survey 2022 - Module A 9

Figure 1.1. Digitalisation policy decision makers in OECD higher education systems 12

Figure 1.2. Targets and objectives for digitalisation in OECD higher education systems 13

Figure 1.3. Policy levers to guide, evaluate or enhance digitalisation in HEIs 15

Figure 1.4. Official data collection and statistics generation on digitalisation 16

Figure 1.5. Programme authorisation standards and procedures for hybrid and fully online programmes 18

Figure 1.6. Fully online recognised higher education providers, by type of provider 19

Figure 1.7. Governments limitations on the operation of online education programmes 20

Figure 1.8. Young researchers and fully online education 21

Figure 1.9. Outsourcing and online higher education 22

Figure 1.10. Digital higher education and quality assurance 23

Figure 2.1. Grant and loan supports for students in online education 25

Figure 2.2. Equity-enhancing supports for digitalisation in higher education 26

Figure 2.3. Publicly funded online learning tools 27

Figure 2.4. Tuition fee policies for online programmes in public institutions 28

Figure 2.5. Financial allocations to HEIs from core public funding 29

Figure 2.6. Public funding for digitalisation in HEIs 30

Figure 2.7. Public support for digital skills development of HEI staff 31

Figure 2.8. Incentivising policies to enhance digital capabilities in higher education institutions 32


Box 1. Summary of findings from HEPS 2022 on digitalisation of higher education 10

Annex Tables

Table A.1. Digitalisation policy at the system level - primary responsible actors 34

Table A.2. Digitalisation policy at the system level - targets and objectives set by public bodies 36

Table A.3. Digitalisation policy at the system level - policy levers 38

Table A.4. Digitalisation policy at the system level - data collection and generation 40

Table A.5. Regulation of online education provision - authorisation procedures 42

Table A.6. Other aspects of regulation of online education provision 44

Table A.7. Supports for students participating in digital learning - Eligibility status for public grants, loan supports and award/loan amounts from public grant or loan system 46

Table A.8. Supports for students participating in digital learning - publicly-funded services and funding of specific tools for learners 48

Table A.9. Tuition fee policies for online programmes in public higher education institutions 50

Table A.10. Institution funding for digital higher education - financial allocations and other resources 52

Table A.11. Human resources policies for digital education 54


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How are OECD governments navigating the digital higher education landscape? evidence from a comparative policy survey

(OECD 회원국 정부는 디지털 고등교육 환경을 어떻게 조성하고 있는가?)