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Policy dialogues in focus for Brazil : international insights for digital education reform
(브라질의 디지털 교육 개혁 : 국제 사례를 기반으로)


Title page


Introduction 3

Digital education reform in Brazil 4

What can international evidence tell us about digital education reform? 9

Core considerations 17

Annex 1: Digital education in New South Wales (Australia) 31

Annex 2: Digital education in Chile 32

Annex 3: Digital education in Colombia 33

Annex 4: Digital education in Ireland 34

Annex 5: Digital education in Korea 35

Annex 6: Digital education in Mexico 36

References 37

Notes 42

Table 1. Summary of core considerations and policy pointers for digital education reform in Brazil 4

Table 2. Key challenges for basic education in Brazil 6

Table 3. Promising approaches to strengthening teachers' and school leaders' use of technology 15

Table 4. Factors that can facilitate or hinder networks for educational innovation 26

Figure 1. Proficiency in skills for the digital age among adults and young people in Brazil 5

Figure 2. Progress in school digital preparedness in Brazil 8

Figure 3. Digital infrastructure in schools across OECD education systems 13

Figure 4. Share of countries planning to maintain or develop digital measures implemented during COVID-19 17

Figure 5. Stakeholders involved in (digital) education policy processes 20

Figure 6. School digital preparedness in Australia 31

Figure 7. School digital preparedness in Chile 32

Figure 8. School digital preparedness in Colombia 33

Figure 9. School digital preparedness in Ireland 34

Figure 10. School digital preparedness in Korea 35

Figure 11. School digital preparedness in Mexico 36


Box 1. The Education Policy Outlook's Policy Dialogues in Focus series 3

Box 2. The OECD's Framework for Responsiveness and Resilience in Education Policy (2021) 10

Box 3. A collaborative approach to establishing a shared vision in New South Wales (Australia) 19

Box 4. Auditing decentralised policies in Brazil: Collaborative and evidence-based approaches 21

Box 5. Supporting implementation planning of digital education reforms in Colombia and Ireland 23

Box 6. Mobilising networks to build schools' and teachers' digital capacity in Ireland and Korea 25

Box 7. Monitoring and evaluation frameworks for digital education in Colombia and Ireland 28

Box 8. A national campaign to identify and promote educational innovation in Chile 29


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