Executive summary IV
Glossary of frequently used terms and acronyms VII
Introduction 1
Part I: Legal overview 2
Relevant global sanctions and export control framework 2
U.S. Sanctions and export control framework 2
E.U. Sanctions and export control framework 4
U.N. Sanctions and export control framework 5
Hong Kong sanctions compliance framework 6
Overview of existing sanctions and export controls on Russia, Iran, and North Korea 7
Current sanctions and export controls on Russia 7
Current sanctions and export controls on Iran 8
Current sanctions and export controls on North Korea 8
Part II: Hong Kong's role in sanctions evasion - findings and analysis 10
Russia 10
Russian efforts to evade sanctions - overview 10
Hong Kong's role in Russia sanctions evasion 11
New findings and analysis from Russian customs data 15
Trends in 2023 common high priority items list sample data 15
Notable cases within the December 2023 customs data 17
Hong Kong as a hub for Russian vessels conducting illicit trade 25
Iran 28
Iranian efforts to evade sanctions - overview 28
Hong Kong's role in Iranian sanctions evasion 28
New findings and analysis from open-source databases 33
Hong Kong Companies involved in transshipments of UAV parts to Iran 33
Chinese/Hungarian-owned Hong Kong companies involved in illicit trade oil deals 36
Orient source (HK) Ltd. - request to purchase light crude from Sahara Thunder 40
North Korea 41
North Korean efforts to evade sanctions - overview 41
Hong Kong's role in North Korea sanctions evasion 41
New findings and analysis from open-source data 46
Further investigation into laundered vessel F Lonline's Hong Kong ownership 46
The lighthouse winmore and Hong Kong government's inaction 47
Part III: Analysis and recommendations 49
Shortcomings in current enforcement schemes 49
Policy recommendations 52
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Beneath the harbor : Hong Kong’s leading role in sanctions evasion
(항구 아래 : 홍콩의 제재 회피에서의 주도적 역할)