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Consumption inequality during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
( 팬데믹 기간과 이후의 소비 불평등)


Title page


Abstract 2

Introduction 3

Background 3

Methods 7

Results 11

Conclusion and Future Work 22

References 23

Table 1. Summary Statistics for Quarterly Equivalized Consumption and Outlays (in current year U.S. $ except N) 11

Table 2. Inequality Statistics 12

Table 3. Shares of Total 13

Table 4. Consumption Gini Contribution Share by Category 16

Table 5. Outlay Gini Contribution Share by Category 17

Table 6/Table 10. Demographic composition over time 19

Table 7/Table 11. Within-Group and Between-Group Inequality for CU level demographics: 2019 through 2022 19

Table 8/Table 12. Within-Group and Between-Group Consumption and Outlay Inequality for Geography: 2019 through 2022 21

Table 9a/Table 6a. Gini Decomposition for Consumption for 2019 & 2020 26

Table 9b/Table 6b. Gini Decomposition for Consumption for 2021 & 2022 26

Table 10/Table 7. Consumption Gini Contribution by Source: Relative Share of Overall Gini (R*G*S)/(Gini*S) 27

Table 11/Table 8. Outlay Gini Decomposition for 2019 & 2020 27

Table 11b/Table 8b. Outlay Gini Decomposition for 2021 & 2022 28

Table 12/Table 9. Outlay Gini Contribution by Source: Relative Share of Overall Gini (R*G*S)/(Gini*S) 29

Table 13. Within-Group Theil Index for CU level demographics: 2019 through 2022 29

Table 14. Within-Group and Between-Group Inequality for Geography: 2019 through 2022 30


#포스트코로나 # 소비불평등 # 사회적불평등
