□ 보고서는 우리나라가 탄소중립을 추진하는 과정에서 원전과 에너지저장장치(ESS) 등을 활용하면 큰 비용을 들이지 않고 석탄에서 친환경 에너지로 발전원을 전환하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 조언하고 있음
[출처] IEA '韓, 원전·ESS 등이 탈석탄 비용 절감에 기여' (2023.04.12.) / 연합인포맥스
Executive summary 6
Chapter 1 Coal in clean energy transitions 10
Coal in the net zero transition in the global context 10
A new context for the net zero transition 15
Status of coal phase-down pledges 20
The outlook for coal use and emissions 22
Lessons from past transitions 31
Chapter 2 Current transition policy for the coal-fired power sector in Korea 45
Status of Korea's coal-fired power generation 45
Coal phase-down progress 51
Relevant policies on coal-fired power generation 55
Survey for coal phase-down policy 61
Chapter 3 High-level policy recommendations for the coal transition in Korea 70
Applications to Korea 72
Follow the princijples of a people-centred transition 74
Ensure security and affordability of the electricity system 85
Consider conversion of coal power plants to low-emissions assets 89
References 100
General annex 102
Abbreviations and acronyms 102
Units of measurement 103