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AI, task changes in jobs, and worker reallocation
(AI, 직업 내 작업 변화, 그리고 노동자 재배치)

□ 인공지능(AI)이 직업의 작업 내용과 노동 시장에 미치는 영향을 다루고 있음. AI는 기존의 비정형 작업, 예를 들어 정보 수집 및 분석과 같은 작업을 줄이는 동시에, 고차원의 정형 작업, 즉 프로세스 모니터링과 같은 작업의 수요를 증가시키고 있음. 이러한 변화는 직업 내에서 발생하며, AI의 기술적 발전이 이루어질수록 더욱 뚜렷해지고 있음

□ 로봇과 AI의 영향은 다르게 나타나고 있음. 로봇은 반복적인 정형 작업을 자동화하는 데 초점을 맞추지만, AI는 비정형 작업까지 자동화하며 기존 기술이 다루지 못한 새로운 과제를 수행하고 있음. 이러한 변화는 노동 시장에서 작업 분배와 직업 간 이동의 새로운 패턴을 만들어 내고 있음

□ AI는 직업의 소멸보다는 노동자 이동을 유도하며, 특히 저숙련 노동자들은 임금 감소를 경험하는 반면, 고숙련 노동자들은 교육과 훈련 작업으로 전환하여 평균적인 임금 상승을 경험하고 있음. 이러한 변화는 AI가 노동 시장에서 고숙련 노동자에게 유리한 환경을 제공함을 보여주고 있음

□ 보고서는 AI 확산의 부정적 영향을 완화하기 위해 직업 재교육과 훈련을 강화하고, 노동자 이동성을 지원하는 정책의 중요성을 강조하고 있음. AI는 작업 내용뿐만 아니라 노동자 간의 역할 재조정을 가져오고 있어, 정책적 지원이 더욱 중요해지고 있음


Title page


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Measuring Advances in AI and Robotics 8

2.1. Patent Data 8

2.2. Develop New AI and Robot Measures 8

2.3. Validation of Measures 10

3. AI and Job Tasks: Data and Empirical Strategy 11

3.1. Data on Tasks Performed on the Job 11

3.2. Empirical Strategy 13

3.3. Balancing Test: Do Tasks Predict Future Exposure? 14

4. The Impact of AI on Tasks Performed on the Job 16

4.1. Industry-level Correlations 16

4.2. AI and Worker-Level Tasks 18

4.3. High-level Versus Low-level Routine Tasks 22

4.4. AI and Job Tasks by Worker Skill 23

5. AI and Labor Market Outcomes 27

5.1. Administrative Labor Market Data 27

5.2. Estimation Approach 28

5.3. Displacement Effects of AI and Robots 28

5.4. AI and Worker Reallocation 30

5.5. Impact of AI and Robots on Earnings 31

6. Conclusion 32

References 35

A. Appendix 38

Table 1. Balancing test 15

Table 2. AI and Job Reallocation 31

Figure 1. AI, Robots, and Task Changes at the Industry Level 17

Figure 2. AI, Robots and Job Tasks at the Worker Level 19

Figure 3. AI and Detailed Job Tasks 21

Figure 4. AI and Low- versus High-Level Routine Tasks 23

Figure 5. AI and Detailed Job Tasks by Worker Skill 25

Figure 6. AI and Routine Tasks for Low- and High-skilled Workers 26

Figure 7. Employment effects of AI and Robots 29

Figure 8. Impact of AI on Earnings 33

Table A.1. Industries with the Highest Number of AI and Robot Patents 45

Table A.2. Descriptives of Task Data 46

Table A.3. Top occupations performing individual tasks (part 1) 47

Table A.4. Top occupations performing individual tasks (part 2) 48

Table A.5. Technology and Worker-level Task Shares 49

Table A.6. Comparing the Effects across Time 50

Table A.7. Top occupations performing high-level and low-level routine tasks 51

Table A.8. Descriptive Statistics of Social Security Data (SIAB) 52

Table A.9. Robustness: AI and Job Reallocation 53

Figure A.1. Evolution of AI and Robot Patents over Time 38

Figure A.2. Link between patents and other measures 39

Figure A.3. Robustness: AI and Robots and Job Tasks 40

Figure A.4. Robustness: AI and Low- versus High-Level Routine Tasks 41

Figure A.5. Robustness: Employment effects of AI and Robots 42

Figure A.6. Robustness: Impact of AI on Earnings 43

Figure A.7. Robots and Detailed Job Tasks 44


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AI, task changes in jobs, and worker reallocation

(AI, 직업 내 작업 변화, 그리고 노동자 재배치)